Things To Remember If You're A Supermodel Who Wants To Date Me

GQ has a story about the 16 things to remember if you want to date a supermodel. (Found on Digg, which made me giggle. Lots of guys dating supermodels on Digg.) After reading through it, I thought I’d make my own list: things to remember if you’re a supermodel who wants to date me. Pay […]

Awesome Papercraft Model Of Euclidean Geometry!

Wow. This whole papercraft thing is so awesome! It’s even more awesome that so many people have so much free time that they can figure out how to build, say, exact 1:1 scale models of the U.S.S. Annapolis, just using paper! And not just build it, but share it with the world! The Internet sure […]

This Is Either A Complete Fabrication

…or the greatest news story ever. A pair of twins — who are also gay porn stars, apparently sometimes with each other, and one of them is also apparently some kind of drug-dealing ninja — are arrested for breaking into a hair salon and a wing joint…by hacking through the roof. Turns out they’ve been […]


I just spent an hour and a half or more cleaning the kitchen. When I say “cleaning”, I mean I cleaned my stove’s hood and undercarriage (it’s one of the kind with two ovens, one above and one below the range, which means all the grease from the range cakes onto the bottom of the […]

Baby detained, dies in Honolulu airport – Life-

Baby detained, dies in Honolulu airport – Life- Delegate Eni Faleomavaega has asked the Department of Homeland Security to begin an investigation into death of 14-day-old Michael Tony Futi last Friday. The baby had been flown to Honolulu for emergency heart surgery. He died while detained inside a customs’ room at the Honolulu airport […]