Quote Of The Day

In this love you are like a knife, with which I explore myself. –Franz Kafka (And have I ever mentioned my old love and obsession with Kafka? Reading not just his books and stories but his diaries, his notebooks? The only good thing I took from my schooling was The Metamorphosis, which probably did more […]

Lou Reed Whines About MP3

Rocker Lou Reed takes aim at new technology – Yahoo! News In typically glib and dry-witted form throughout the wide-ranging 55-minute conversation, the bespectacled Reed bemoaned the current state of audio and other digital technologies, noting that “it’s like the technology is taking us backwards. It’s making it easier to make things worse. “Here’s our […]

Album Update 03-11-08

I added the lead slide and synth bass for “Berlin Floor Show” and a big Sigur Ros/Edge-style fill guitar on “Sleeping In Flame” tonight. The latter is buried in the already full mix, but it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the song. The former takes “BFS” into a slightly rougher, nastier territory, […]


I’ve got this massive pain in my left forearm, terminating in my left elbow. When I press on the joint, it feels like my whole fucking arm’s gonna fall off. I don’t know if it’s carpal tunnel or not, but it hurts like a sonofabitch. I need to lay some guitar tracks, but it’s making […]

By The Way

I’m off to India for business meetings at the end of the month, for a couple of weeks. I’ll be off with Joe north of Delhi in the foothills of the Himalayas, meeting with programmers for a secret web project. Our host has graciously agreed to take me up into the mountains for a day […]

In Which Greg Dulli And Mark Lanegan Turn The Doctor Into A Screaming Teenage Girl

OMFG, the Gutter Twins album is, like, fucking amazing!!! It’s all noirish graveyard shift rock shit, like you’d expect, but it’s really, really good, with a big sense of grandiose. And my buddy Dave Catching played on and helped record it! And it’s got Martina Topley-Bird, who sang with Tricky and whom Dulli covered with […]

links for 2008-03-06

clapclap.org is just something that grown-ups invented: Hallelujah A cultural history of the Leonard Cohen song “Hallelujah”. This explains all the reasons I stopped covering this beautiful, heartbreaking song live — it’s become musical shorthand for “pretty sadness”. A damn shame too. (tags: leonard-cohen hallelujah pop-culture)