Where I'm going

So, as those of you who follow my Twitters know, I’ve been excited about something these past few days. Now, I think, I can talk about it. I can’t really tell you everything, for reasons which will become clear, but I can tell you a bit. I’ve been hired by a medical technology company to […]

Out Of Service.

My phone got turned off. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get it turned on again anytime soon. I’m really, really angry about this, but there’s nothing I can do. So I guess if you want to reach me when I’m in India, try my Grand Central number or email me or use […]

LiveScience.com Blogs » Blog Archive » Afghanistan Heroes Offer to Colonize Moon, Mars and Beyond

LiveScience.com Blogs » Blog Archive » Afghanistan Heroes Offer to Colonize Moon, Mars and Beyond SFC William H. Ruth of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division, is a bad motherfucker. “Please forward this to the proper channels. I have read Stephen Hawking’s latest remarks on space travel and the importance of it to human survival. […]


Turns out I’m not leaving on the 29th for India, but within the next couple of weeks, I think. We have to sort out visas first, but apparently that’s not a big deal. Joe and I will fly into New Delhi, and from there we’ll travel north to the city of Chandigarh, which was partially […]

By The Way

I’m off to India for business meetings at the end of the month, for a couple of weeks. I’ll be off with Joe north of Delhi in the foothills of the Himalayas, meeting with programmers for a secret web project. Our host has graciously agreed to take me up into the mountains for a day […]