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links for 2008-02-18
Cool story, but it doesn’t mention the Marfa Lights
Baby detained, dies in Honolulu airport – Life- msnbc.com
Baby detained, dies in Honolulu airport – Life- msnbc.com
Delegate Eni Faleomavaega has asked the Department of Homeland Security to begin an investigation into death of 14-day-old Michael Tony Futi last Friday. The baby had been flown to Honolulu for emergency heart surgery. He died while detained inside a customs’ room at the Honolulu airport with his mother and a nurse.
The best part about this? Al-Qaeda doesn’t even have to kill our children anymore. We’re doing it for them.
You wanna see a terrorist, look at that stupid prick in the White House. Look at the stupid prick at the end of the customs line, some fucking semi-literate moron who only took a job keeping America safe from Samoan babies because they weren’t hiring down at the Waffle Hut.
I wish I could get past this hate I have, but man, I just can’t. A fucking baby. I want to tie the guy who did that down and pour boiling water down his throat and sing “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” until his trachea falls out like an overcooked hot dog.
God, what an ugly country this is now.
Your Advice: Organization For A Profoundly Disorganized Man
So, um, I didn’t kill anybody last night. Or get drunk. In fact, I decided to get my bedroom clean and neat and organized.
Some personal details here: I live, at the moment, with my parents, for complicated reasons, primarily financial. This means I live in a bedroom smaller than any of the ones I had in high school. However, I am not in high school; I am, mostly, an adult, which means I have stuff now. I have a lot of stuff. I’ve gotten rid of even more stuff. And will continue to get rid of stuff. Most of this stuff seems to consist of black t-shirts, books and obscure cabling. And I never have time to organize any of it, or do anything other than just throw stuff in there when it gets in my family’s way.
Consequently, my bedroom looks like this:
So I got a shelf and some little canvas boxes and I’m trying to get everything organized and put away so that I can get to it when I need it and ignore it when I don’t.
Here’s the problem: I am mad hella crazy disorganized, as a person. I recognize this as a problem. So how does one force oneself to become a totally anal clean freak type? Is it possible? Any books, techniques, ideas?
Or do I just throw away anything I can’t move in a compact car? (I’ve considered that. Jury’s out. And there’s no way I’m tossing out my books. I love my books.)
My Plans For Valentine's Night
I’m gonna go get falling-down drunk, put on my Hannibal Lecter mask, and roam the dark streets looking for anybody who looks happy and in love.
Fair warning.
Fuck Yes.
Nerd boner! Nerd boner! Nerd boner! Nerd boner! Nerd boner!
In Honor Of Valentine's Day…
…I tracked down the MySpace profile of the girl I lost my virginity to when I was 15. On homecoming night. We got all dressed up, walked halfway there, realized we’d forgotten our tickets, went back to my house, went upstairs, had sex, and then went to homecoming.
I remember her dress was so tight it would have been a nightmare to get on and off, so she just hiked it up. That’s my memory of losing my virginity: big boobs packed into a gold lamé dress, and the peeling pink wallpaper of my bedroom, which looked like a David Fincher set. And also that a woman’s vagina was much warmer than I thought it would be. Also, she kept her eyes open.
Oh, what’s that? I’ve spoiled your Valentine’s with the image of my pimply teenage ass pounding away at some Montana debutante in the bedroom of that fat guy from Se7en?
Good. Happy Horny Werewolf Day, fuckers.
Happy Valentine's Day, You Love-Besotted Motherfuckers
This Monkey's Gone To Heaven
[This is pure fiction. I never saw any bands when I was in high school that got famous later, though I did see Jeff Ament from Pearl Jam in the parking lot of Tower Records in Missoula, MT. I recognized him, but I didn’t know from where — I thought he was just a friend of a friend or something. Apparently this was actually true, as we shot the shit for about ten minutes about our mutual acquaintances. A few months later, I was in Seattle watching Pearl Jam on MTV’s Unplugged, and I realized my error.
Yeah, I know, not the most exciting story. I did end up meeting Chris Novoselic a few years ago at a digital music conference. He looked like your dad’s accountant.]
Round And Round was a roller rink that served double duty on weekends as a venue. When we got there, there was already a small crowd of kids hanging out — mostly weirdos like us from the towns surrounding Haddonfield, a few older punks that had been around the scene forever, some random stoners, one or two thug types, and a few straight-looking kids who probably didn’t have anything better to do. A couple of the older ones were brown-bagging forties, and I saw one kid passing around a little flask to his buddies. A cloud of cigarette smoke hung in the night air.
I saw Alicia talking to a couple of them. She was wearing a suede jacket with a sheepskin collar and a pair of John Lennon glasses like the ones Val wore. When she saw Steve and Val and I walking up, she shrieked — drawing curious gazes from some of the crowd — and ran towards us. She wrapped me in a bear hug.
“What’s up, muhfuckas?” she said, grinning. “Oh my God,” she said to Val, “you look so fucking hot. Seriously.”
“Thanks,” Val said, “you too.”
“So, hey, the first band’s about to start,” she said. “We should go in, okay?”
As we walked in, she waved at the people she had been talking to before — a really tall skinny guy dressed all in black, and a short dude with dyed-red shaggy hair who sported a striped sweater that reminded me of something my mom would have made me wear when I was five. With the vast difference in their height, they looked like a comedy duo. “Good luck!” she said. They waved back.
“They’re in the second band,” she said. “I think he said they’re called Nirvana.”
“I hope it’s not fucking hippie music,” Steve said. “I couldn’t deal with that tonight.”
“I don’t think so,” Alicia said. She looked back at the little guy in the sweater. “He didn’t smell like a hippie to me.” She smiled wickedly.
I looked back at the dude. He was just sitting there, a beer in his hand, staring at nothing. He had really bright blue eyes.
* * *
If this were a made-up story, I’d tell you that I knew I was seeing something special when the Dread Police finished their thankfully short set (punk reggae, just as Val had described it) and the little guy in the sweater took the stage. I’d tell you that I knew I was seeing rock history in the making.
But I can’t tell you that. They were intense, I’ll say that…but there were a lot of intense bands back then. It was almost a prerequisite for underground rock and roll. They weren’t bad. Their songs were catchy. I think they probably opened with “Negative Creep” — that sounds right. After the first couple of songs, Alicia leaned over to me and whispered in my ear: “Pixies, much?”
I smiled. Totally. They even ended their set with a loud cover of “Monkey Gone To Heaven”, and we all danced our asses off.
They were…pretty good. But they weren’t the best band I’ve ever seen, or even the best band I ever saw at Round And Round — that would have been the Butthole Surfers, that summer before school started.
Afterwards, Kurt Cobain came walking by with his guitar and amp. “You guys kicked ass,” Alicia said.
He smiled sweetly at her, nodded, and just kept walking. And he was gone.
Deputy now suspended after dumping man from wheelchair
I saw this on CNN: a Tampa deputy didn’t believe an incoming prisoner was quadraplegic, so she dumped him out of his wheelchair on the floor. On video.
This is the kind of thing that makes me want to tape someone to a telephone pole and hit them with a Louisville Slugger until they find Jesus. I have a seriously pathological hatred of people who bully those who can’t defend themselves.