Turns out I’m not leaving on the 29th for India, but within the next couple of weeks, I think. We have to sort out visas first, but apparently that’s not a big deal. Joe and I will fly into New Delhi, and from there we’ll travel north to the city of Chandigarh, which was partially […]
Author Archives: admin
Random Thought Of The Day: Global Warming
So there are constantly people debating whether or not Al Gore is full of shit about global warming. (He’s not, by the way, but I’m not going to argue the point with you. His facts are accurate.) So maybe there is global warming, and maybe it’s caused by man-made pollutants, and maybe not. But whether […]
Newfound Maturity
Now that I’m in my thirties, I guess I’ll put away the childish things of my youth– Oh, shit! I found a website with every single episode of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, in high-res DivX format! [Does a little dance] W00t! W00t!
Died As His Home
The CNN scroller just pointed out again that Richard Widmark died. But there was a mistype: it said that Widmark “died as his home”. That gives me an idea for a short story.
YouTube – The Real Ghostbusters: The Collect Call of Cathulhu Part 1
YouTube – The Real Ghostbusters: The Collect Call of Cathulhu Part 1 This is why 80s cartoons were so awesome. (Not my spelling mistake, blame Mike Straczynski or whoever wrote it.)
A Boy the Bullies Love to Beat Up, Repeatedly – New York Times
A Boy the Bullies Love to Beat Up, Repeatedly – New York Times This is what school was like for me, almost the entire time, from kindergarten up. I took a lot of beatings, gave a few back. My problem was that I never knew when to shut up. Hell, I still don’t. If I […]
links for 2008-03-24
The Echo Nest (tags: programming music audio api)
Happy birthday to me.
Nine years ago, I walked into the Double Down and had my first legal drink, at midnight on my birthday. And here I sit again, alone, with punk rock blaring in my ears, at the Double Down, at midnight on my birthday. I don’t know whether that’s cool or pathetic. And it would be great […]
I Think I See A Pattern Emerging Here…
What’s The Most Popular T-Shirt For A Mugshot? Least popular t-shirt for a mugshot? That dorky ThinkGeek shirt that says “You Are A Loser” in binary notation. Not because the owners are less likely to commit crimes. They’re not. But the NSA doesn’t do mugshots.
Gore Vidal Speaks Seriously Ill of the Dead
Truthdig – Reports – Gore Vidal Speaks Seriously Ill of the Dead Buckley was a world-class American liar on the far right who would tell any lie he thought he could get away with. Years of ass-kissing famous people in the press and elsewhere had given him, he felt, a sort of license to libelously […]