So I’m working on a comics script, and I need some music from the 1920s — partially to reference, and partially for ambiance while I’m writing. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to buy this stuff, and I think a lot of it might take some effort to track down. So does anybody have any […]
Author Archives: admin
This Is The Picture
Laurie Anderson, “Excellent Birds”, from Home Of The Brave, 1984. (I also like the duet version with Peter Gabriel on his album So.) I dig this song. I’m going to steal the idea of having lights on your palms. That looks cool.
Currently Listening, 05-10-08
The Magnetic Fields, Distortion: Lovely goodness from Stephin Merrit & Co. Sonically very Jesus & Mary Chain, but pure Merrit in terms of songwriting. Feist, The Reminder: Yeah, I know, late to the party, but this is an amazing and beautiful album. Nine Inch Nails, The Slip: I love Trent Reznor again. Sarah McLachlan, Fumbling […]
Note To Self…
Apparently nobody on the Internet has a sense of humor anymore. (Check out the comments.) I suspect I’m in for a rough time of it. 🙂
More Sonic Youth, Less Paul Simon
Listening to the mixes I’m making, I’m surprised by how dissonant and raw these songs are sounding in the end. “Berlin Floor Show” was written on an acoustic guitar, but this version sounds a lot like recent Nine Inch Nails, and “Scarecrow” sounds like Radiohead meets Massive Attack meets TV On The Radio. They’re really […]
"Berlin Floor Show" and "Scarecrow" Are In The Can.
I recorded vocals last night, all hot and sweaty ’cause I had to turn off all the house fans so they didn’t register on the mics. Mixed “BFS” and “Scarecrow” tonight. I think the mixes are pretty much perfect, or as close as I’m gonna get. When I’m done with all of the songs, I’ll […]
So It's Official…
…I am officially a blogger for The Unofficial Apple Weblog. Er, that’s all.
So I may make the India trip, but not until August or September. I feel so fucking stupid — I’ve flown literally fifty times or more in my life, and I’ve never missed a flight before, ever. I simply misread my itinerary — I was flying from Vegas to Chicago to Delhi, and I read […]
Las Vegas Noir Book Launch Party
Be there if you can. It should be very cool.
Not Going To India.
I missed my fucking flight. Somehow I misread the times on my itinerary and thought I was flying out of Vegas at 7:10pm. In fact, I was supposed to be flying out of Chicago at 7:10, and Vegas at 11:30 this morning. I don’t think it can be rescheduled — the flight, I mean. I’m […]