I’m pretty much finished with the ironic t-shirts. But this is different. If you love me, buy me this t-shirt:
Author Archives: admin
And on my way to the Coffee Bean (which isn’t actually open for another hour, but the manager’s letting me sit out front until they do open), the following songs on my iPod: The National, “Fake Empire“ Coldplay, “Don’t Panic“ The Pogues, “A Rainy Night In Soho“ U2, “A Sort Of Homecoming“ I felt much […]
I Am In Hell.
The AC here didn’t get fixed — it apparently overheated. On the form the repair guys for the apartment complex left, there’s a series of checkboxes for what work they actually do while they’re out. One of the checkboxes is “Replaced flux capacitor”. That cracks me the fuck up. But it doesn’t make it any […]
The Movie Review: ‘The Happening’
The Movie Review: ‘The Happening’ Rather than write a conventional review explaining why you should or shouldn’t see The Happening (trust me, you shouldn’t), I’m offering an alternative: A dozen and a half of the most mind-bendingly ridiculous elements of the film, which will enable you to marvel at its anti-genius without sacrificing (and I […]
Bad Form, Old Boy
TRAIL BLAZERS Blog | The Dallas Morning News At the Republican state convention, a booth hosted by Republicanmarket was selling a pin Saturday that says: If Obama is President will we still call it the White House. There were other pins that weren’t necessarily conveying the positive, inclusive, united front that has been portrayed during […]
Art students on the future of money – Boing Boing The article this links to is pretty good, but it was the title that hit me with the giggles. ‘Cause if you want to know about the future of money, art students are totally the people to ask. What? “Art students on the future of […]
AC's gone out here
The AC’s gone out where I am. I can’t get it to come on. If you’ve ever been to Vegas, you’ll understand my horror. The high today, according to my Google Weather widget thingy, is 108º. That’s 42º Celsius, by the way. It feels like an oven in here. I’m going to take a cold […]
Dreams, Seen By Man-Made Machines
I’ve been writing my first algorithmic music composition tool in Processing. It’s not terribly complex, though it has stretched my understanding of Java a bit, which is nice. Basically, it loads an array of the steps of a scale — for example, a minor scale is [0,2,3,5,7,8,10,12] steps from the root note. Then you feed […]
Good Food For Total Retards: Metrosexual Ground Beef Stroganoff
Beef stroganoff is one of those foods most often made by sad, single people or suburban housewives with too little free time for cooking. I myself am a sad, single person, but I’ve figured out a slight variation on the traditional Middle American stroganoff that is completely tasty, easy as hell to make, and only […]
RIP Stan Winston
Effects guru Stan Winston dies of cancer at 62 – Yahoo! News Oh, man. Stan Winston was one of my few real heroes when I was a kid — his work on Terminator and Aliens and T2 and Jurassic Park was a lot of the reason I got into movie FX and, later, computer graphics […]