I friggin’ love Improv Everywhere. This is hilarious and sweet and amazing.
Tag Archives: Random Cool Stuff
Message Tape–Pixel– Better Living Through Design
Over at her excellent design blog Better Living Through Design, my old, old friend Kris Bernard posts about pixel message tape for custom LED-style ticker messages. Basically, you mark out the white “LEDs” with a Sharpie to write messages. I’d hook mine up to a looping motorized spindle and put it in my window, so […]
Maybe We're Not All Doomed
A Victim Treats His Mugger Right : NPR
YouTube – The Real Ghostbusters: The Collect Call of Cathulhu Part 1
YouTube – The Real Ghostbusters: The Collect Call of Cathulhu Part 1 This is why 80s cartoons were so awesome. (Not my spelling mistake, blame Mike Straczynski or whoever wrote it.)
I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords. And Here's Tom With The Weather.
Those cats at The Onion occasionally knock one out of the park.
The HBO City
Via Signal To Noise: a documentary about the process of making HBO’s old movie bumper. Really interesting look at old-school miniature building and optical effect design.
Quote Of The Day
Heather Havrilesky talks to George Carlin | Salon Arts & Entertainment The meaning of life is life itself. It has its own rationale. I think it [began] spontaneously from a number of chemical and electrical processes, coming together — it seems that that’s a fair theory that I’ve read, the other ones are harder to […]
It Is The No, The Holy God No Never Auugh
This Is Either A Complete Fabrication
…or the greatest news story ever. A pair of twins — who are also gay porn stars, apparently sometimes with each other, and one of them is also apparently some kind of drug-dealing ninja — are arrested for breaking into a hair salon and a wing joint…by hacking through the roof. Turns out they’ve been […]
Redneck Robocop
Completely awesome security-bot roams the streets of Atlanta, irritating crack dealers. Brilliant. And it’s built out of an old barbecue smoker! “It may smell like chicken,” the guy says, “but it’ll get the job done.” Hellz yes.