Pitchfork: Tom Waits Planning Summer Tour Holy shit. I WILL MAKE ONE OF THESE SHOWS. (tags: music tour must-see-tom-waits-yes)
Author Archives: admin
Videoblog 03-04-08
Making The Album 03-04-08
Finishing up the final mix of “Berlin Floor Show”. It’s much more minimal than the rest of the album — just two guitar lines, a distorted drumbeat and maybe a slide guitar line or a synth, I’m not sure which yet, on the choruses. It sounds really low-fi and dirty, the way it was always […]
links for 2008-03-04
RIP Jeff Healey You can make Road House jokes if you like, but that guy had musical talent and big balls. (tags: death blues music guitar) YouTube – Star Wars vs. Saul Bass Star Wars’ titles, as envisioned by classic title designer Saul Bass. Really lovely. (tags: design film-titles cool)
Tonight's Episode of Terminator
…was the best one yet, and the last twenty minutes were some of the best TV I’ve seen in years. The scene where Cromartie kills an entire SWAT team is brilliant — an underwater shot from the pool in Cromartie’s apartment complex where you just hear screaming and see body after body splashing into the […]
Quote Of The Day
Heather Havrilesky talks to George Carlin | Salon Arts & Entertainment The meaning of life is life itself. It has its own rationale. I think it [began] spontaneously from a number of chemical and electrical processes, coming together — it seems that that’s a fair theory that I’ve read, the other ones are harder to […]
Not Going To Austin
I just found out I won’t be attending SxSW after all. Which really sucks. My apologies to anybody who expected to see me there.
It Is The No, The Holy God No Never Auugh
links for 2008-03-01
Shrine of the Mall Ninja ยป LonelyMachines I can’t breathe! I’m laughing too hard! (tags: funny culture mall dude-i-totally-remember-these-guys-from-seventh-grade)
Futurephone blogging
I’m down at the Griffin, using my futurephone to blog. The fact that I’m blogging outside instead of partying inside ought to tell you how exciting my evening has been.