via Warren: Arthur C Clarke has died at the age of 90. He was a remarkable thinker and remarkable man who, as much as anyone, helped to shape the latter half of the 20th century, both as a visionary sci-fi writer and as a futurist. Cheers, mate. Thanks for all the good ideas.
Author Archives: admin
Marketing Overtaking Music
Rilo Kiley is touring North America. I mention this only so that I can point out that, despite having heard Rilo Kiley probably a half-dozen times, I can never remember what they sound like. Their music falls off my brain like water off Teflon. Despite this fact, I know a lot about Rilo Kiley the […]
Some badass Flash animation
Here’s the intro for my new Flash portfolio. I’m madly proud of this. (And no, it’s not done, and yes, I know there’s a single pixel-wide line on the right.) It’s a ridiculously labor-intensive piece, created in Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. I had to hand-trace each of 240 frames of exported animation from […]
Fuck This Shit
I’ve got work to do on my portfolio and a work-related project…but my shoulder hurts and I’ve got a bad headache and I just don’t really fucking care very much about anything right now. I’m closing the laptop, and I’m going to watch movies until I fall asleep.
links for 2008-03-16
Chris’s Invincible Super-Blog » Blog Archive » Archie In… A Different Class! Oh my God this is awesome. (tags: comics pulp britpop mashup comedy archie)
Great Googly Moogly
Christ. My rotator cuff is trashed. I can barely lift my arm above the shoulder, it keeps spazzing out on me randomly and going in the wrong directions, and it feels like somebody took a sledgehammer to my clavicle. It’s hot to the touch, and every time I move my arm my rotator cuff pops […]
Trent Reznor's Ghosts
I’m reviewing Nine Inch Nails’ new album of instrumental music Ghosts I-IV for CityLife this week, but I’ll just pop in here and suggest you pay the $5 to buy it from Reznor’s site. If you like ambient music or Nine Inch Nails, this is the good stuff. I’ve got more to say about this […]
Down In The Willow Garden
There’s a bit in a comics script I’m working on, set in the late 1920s, where my protagonist is staring moodily down at a darkened Texas town from his hotel room. On the radio is playing a lonesome cowboy version of the old murder ballad “Down In The Willow Garden”, which you may remember from […]
The Cohen/Buckley Shark Has Definitely Jumped
…when somebody does “Hallelujah” on American Idol. For those of you who really love this song and want more like it, may I recommend you check out Leonard Cohen’s early albums? They are depressing, as you’ll often hear critics point out…but there are moments of absolute beauty on them. “Suzanne” has never stopped being a […]
What LOST was missing…
…was an awesome 80s style theme song.