Why The World Doesn't Need John Peel (Or Doesn't Think It Does)

There’s an excellent Poptimist column by Tom Ewing over at Pitchfork about John Peel’s unique position in music history, and why his legacy of educating his audience may never be revived. After Peel’s death there was a general assumption– not much discouraged by the BBC– that there could never be another broadcaster like him. His […]

Go Bag

Matt Jones has a bunch of del.icio.us links today about what constitutes a “go bag” — i.e., the bag you keep for an emergency situation. Browsing around, I found a couple of links on the subject. Pretty useful if you’re planning on keeping a go bag, and I recommend it. It may sound like retard […]

Fidel Castro retires after 49 years in power – Yahoo! News

Fidel Castro retires after 49 years in power – Yahoo! News You mark my words — this is the beginning of the end of trad communism in Cuba, and — I suspect — the beginning of a sort of renaissance. I’m convinced that once things settle a bit, they’re going to start bringing gambling back […]


I just spent an hour and a half or more cleaning the kitchen. When I say “cleaning”, I mean I cleaned my stove’s hood and undercarriage (it’s one of the kind with two ovens, one above and one below the range, which means all the grease from the range cakes onto the bottom of the […]