When It's Perfect

I finished a new song today. Well, not a new song, precisely, but an older one that I sort of re-worked. And it’s perfect. The mix is perfect, the notes are perfect, the sound is perfect. It’s precisely what I wanted it to be, no compromises. I can’t stop listening to it. This is not […]

The Islam Problem

In an essay for the Guardian UK, writer Ronan Bennett takes novelist Martin Amis to task for his alleged racism towards Muslims. We can dispense with Amis’s polite fiction that he is talking about “Islamism”; there are just too many generalisations (“The impulse towards rational inquiry,” Amis wrote elsewhere, “is by now very weak in […]

RIP Karlheinz Stockhausen

German composer Stockhausen is dead – Yahoo! News Stockhausen’s electronic compositions are a radical departure from musical tradition and incorporate influences as varied as psychology, the visual arts and the acoustics of a particular concert hall. I was never a big fan of Stockhausen from a listener’s perspective — his work isn’t very accessible — […]

Name This Song

I’m usually good at titles, but I’m at a loss with this one. So I’m reaching out to you, my loyal and deeply loving fans, to name this for me. This is a demo version — there might be another recording on the album, since I just did this in my living room — but […]

Hey Washington — Can You Stop Embarrassing Us, Please?

US says it has right to kidnap British citizens – Times Online The American government has for the first time made it clear in a British court that the law applies to anyone, British or otherwise, suspected of a crime by Washington. Legal experts confirmed this weekend that America viewed extradition as just one way […]